Saturday, August 21, 2010

That was tough...

6 miler this morning. 1:12.21. Not too bad a time, but man I was hurtin'. I walked a bit more than I would have liked, but I finished and at this point that's all that matters. I don't know what it was--maybe the 180% humidity, a crappy night's sleep thanks to the power going out and the dog wanting to jump on the bed after every clap of thunder, or still recovering from a 3.5 mile run (39:00) and a softball game on Thursday--but it was not a stellar effort on my part this morning. I'm really going to enjoy a rest day tomorrow.

Summer: I named my cat after Springsteen.
Tom: Cool...what was his name?
Summer: Bruce.
~(500) Days of Summer (watched most of it again this morning after the run...wasn't sure how I felt about it the first time I watched, but upon repeat viewings, I really think it's a great movie.)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

And We're Back...

I'm back. I know you've missed me. Actually I was on vacation for a week and lazy the rest of the time (on the blog, not the training.) I'm still training and following the schedule as best I can. I did miss a 4-mile run last Saturday because we were traveling. I think I was feeling it this week too. Oh well, I'm back in the thick of it now. I ran 5 miles yesterday in 57:49. I was really happy with that time. The first 4 miles weren't too bad, but the last one kicked my butt. Anyway, back at it tomorrow and I promise to get better about blogging.

"KILL SHOT! He turned the gun sideways, that's a KILL SHOT!" -Date Night (a pretty funny movie, definitely worth a rental)