Monday, July 5, 2010


Ok, so here's the deal:

This blog's main purpose is to record my training for the Athens, GA Half Marathon on October 24, 2010 ( It will also document the hopefully associated weight loss and improved fitness along the way. In essence, it's an accountability tool for me to train and eat healthily in preparation for the half marathon.

It will be about more than that though. I will certainly take time to post about other things such as books, movies, food, my dog, and other aspects of my life. For example, this weekend, my wife and I saw How To Train Your Dragon and it might have replaced The Incredibles as my favorite animated movie.

I will try to post everyday, but I won't promise anything. Most posts will probably be short snippets of my training and eating habits; more for me than you. My posts likely won't be proofread and will mostly be off the cuff. If you are expecting masterful writing and absolutely awesome alliterations (see what I did there?), then this is the wrong blog for you. I don't anticipate being picked up by Outside Magazine or Runner's World to write a column or anything, but this is mainly a place where I can put my thoughts out there and focus on getting in shape at the same time. Also, I'm new to this whole blogging thing as well, so there will be some changes and hopefully improvements along the way, so bare with me.

With all that being said, I will conclude my first post with "Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!"

And there off...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet blog! I have looked at the course map and I am afraid. Good luck with your training! I have started to rep your blog on my blog list, so enjoy the free publicity.
