Thursday, July 22, 2010

Still going...

I know it's been a while since I last posted. You get busy...


That was my time this morning on a 3 mile run. Turns out though, according to, I ran 3.2 miles, so that makes that time a little better. Either way I'm happy with it.

I forgot to write up a blog about my new shoes, so here's what happened.

I went to the New Balance store here in town for two reasons: 1) there the only place in town that I know of that actually fits you for shoes; 2) I've always felt that New Balances were comfortable to me. Anyway, so I got there and fortunately there was no one else there, so a helpful chap named Eliot begins by asking me a number of questions like: "What do you need the shoes for?" "How many miles do you run a week" etc. Once I've answered his questions and told him my plan to run the Athens Half, he measures both feet and then has me walk back and forth across the store a few times to determine my pronation. Then I stand on the insole machine to see if I need an insole. Of course I do.

After Eliot gathers all this information he brings me two pairs of shoes, size 10.5 EE. First off, I've worn a size 11 for as long as I can remember, and second I've never bought wide shoes despite my wife's statements that I have fat feet. Oh well, he's the expert. I try on one pair and wander around in them; they feel good. Then I try on the other pair and they feel pretty good but pinch my toes a little bit. "Not good," says Eliot. I agree and he suggests he put the insole in the other pair to see how they feel. While he does this, I wander the store in my socked feet checking out their outrageously priced running gear and other stuff like this. I instantly think of the scene in Juno where Paulie Bleeker puts deodorant on his thighs before running. I'm just not sure I can do that.

Anyway, then Eliot returns with my shoes, New Balance 760STs, plus insoles and I wander the store in them for a while. They fit great and feel good, so I decide to get them. Eliot recommends I wear them out so I can get used to the insole. He also recommends wearing them for an hour or so the next day and on some shorter runs before wearing them with the insoles on long runs. Apparently they can tire out your feet; who knew? Now for the bill...


I was expecting 100-something, but not that much. Oh well, all in the name of good health and running right?

So there's my shoe shopping experience. Eliot was very helpful and even told me that a group gets together on Tuesday nights to run/walk for 45 minutes leaving from the store. But, as you know if you've checked out my training schedule, Tuesdays are one of my rest days and I'm sticking to it.

Now I'll leave you with a quote from the aforementioned Juno:

Mac MacGuff: Did you see that coming when she sat us down here?

Bren MacGuff: Yeah, but I was hoping she was expelled or into hard drugs.

Mac MacGuff: That was my first instinct too. Or a D.W.I. Anything but this. Next time I see that Bleeker kid I'm going to punch him in the wiener.

By the way, Bren is played by the same person responsible for the last post's quote. Still can't name the movie?

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